Triple D name.. Dawn Dascomb after 30 years at Green Acres has moved to Kensington, NH April 1st.... new adventures.. dressage, cross country, stadium courses, day camps, lessons, IEA Team, clinics, trails and leases. Same great program... new location. 
Call or Text Us at (603) 978-4551 to Reach Dawn Dascomb who is now at Kenridge in East Kingston, NH
To Reach the new business that is working out of Green Acres Stables in Madbury- Victory Gallop @ Green Acres contact Julie Howard 603-494-7768

It's about the love of the horse!!


All day turnout by themselves or in a group, horses are happy. With experienced staff that truly care about your horse and your needs, a facility that includes an indoor with euro felt footing that has been treated with liquid magnesium for dust control and gets groomed daily, a cross country course, a sand stadium ring, a dressage arena, plenty of friends to ride with we think you will be happy. With 25 years at Green Acres and a staff that has well over 100 years of experience in the horse business we are confident in our program. Horses get hayed 3 times a day and grained 2 or 3 times a day. We do a rotational deworming program or fecals for all horses. Board is due on the 25th of the month prior. An increase of $30. for anybody who pays after the 1st.

We offer:

Effective November 2022

Full Board: $950.

Clean Your own Stall: $810.

Shed board when available: $810. Owner cleans shed

Dry Stall: $500. includes hay and sawdust